Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Suck it up Buttercup

You know how when you are overweight and your legs, knees or back hurts and they tell you to lose some weight? Well guess what, that doesn't always work. I have lost a good amount of weight so far and you know what? My knee is killing me!! It hurts worse than ever before.
So I make an appointment with my regular doctor. We do the meds check while I am there and she checks my at-home BP machine and deems it accurate. We discuss my meds and how we are going to start getting me off them once my BP hits a certain level. Then on to my knee.
I have had what I call flare ups for years in my knees and my hips. This time, my knee hurt on the front below the kneecap. I can't even walk down stairs without it giving out. She did x-rays and said that I have arthritis in my knee. The cartilage is worn away on the right side of my left knee. What can I do? Not much. Walking is a no no. Treadmill, definitely out. She said walking is the worst because of the pounding your knee takes. She suggested a stationary bike and exercising in a pool. Well stationary bikes are okay but I prefer the recumbent bike. It feels better on my back. No luck with the pool. She said I can take 600 mg of children's liquid Advil 3-4 times a day. Okay so what pharmacist is not going to think I am mixing something up in my garage when I go in there and buy several bottles of children's Advil?
When my knee feels better I can use my elliptical. Kind of sucks. I will be 40 yrs old at the end of month and now I am arthritic. Happy Happy Joy Joy.

Motivational Tip#8
Keep it moving. Get those aches and pains checked out right away. It's hard to stay motivated if you hurt. It's worse to find out that you wasted too much time and now the damage is done. I wonder, had I lost weight sooner would my knee be so arthritic now? The world may never know.

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