Monday, April 12, 2010

The Countdown Begins

I am one month out from surgery. My band date is 05-12-10. I am getting more nervous as the time nears. I have so many questions. Am I ready? Do I have all my ducks in a row? There is so much more I need to do to get ready. I feel like an expectant mother again preparing for a new part of my life.
I need to work on my shopping list to make sure I have EVERTHING I could possibly need in the pantry. I can't leave that to my husband. It takes him an hour to go to the grocery to get milk. Seriously!! He ends up coming back with candy or little debbies. It's a good thing I am not a candy or snack cake kind of person. I am a meat and potatoes kind of girl.

Work: I have stopped talking about my surgery to everyone unless they ask me a question. I go about my business like always. On my breaks I make lists. Lots of lists. Getting my work desk ready for my time off. Surfing the net for more info on High protein recipes. There is so much to do, so little time.

Home: I have to get my exercise room ready. It is a spare bedroom painted U of K blue. YUCK!! I am a Cardinals fan. I plan on painting it a light green. Then I can move my treadmill and elliptical in there. Once I am comfortable with myself I may use the fitness center at work for strength training on the weight machines. There are several exercise classes there but I am not ready for any of them by far.

So my time is drawing near.

I have pre-admission testing on May 5th then surgery!!

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